Javani Alleyne Receives Errol Walton Barrow Scholarship for Exceptional Academic Achievements
September 7, 2023
Javani Alleyne, a 24-year-old mechanical engineering and land surveying graduate, was awarded the inaugural Errol Walton Barrow Scholarship for his studies in ocean mapping in Canada.
Twenty-four year-old Javani Alleyne made history today as the recipient of the inaugural Errol Walton Barrow Scholarship.
The past student of the Deighton Griffith Secondary School, who has a degree in mechanical engineering from the Samuel Jackman Prescod Institute of Technology and recently completed a degree in land surveying at the Barbados Community College, was given the award established specifically for a student at associate or undergraduate level who completed their education at a school established after 1951 (schools referred to as newer secondary schools).
The student’s area of study must be culinary arts, aeronautics or maritime studies.
Alleyne will be travelling to Canada soon to pursue a bachelor’s degree in ocean mapping at the Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland. (SZB