Stagnant Water in Murphy's Pasture Canal: Residents Defiant Amid Flooding Concerns
November 5, 2023
Residents of Murphy's Pasture in St Michael, facing relocation due to severe flooding, express their desire to stay, suggesting measures to address the issue.
Some residents of Murphy’s Pasture, St Michael, are adamant they are not moving.
The area is well known for severe flooding, with water several feet deep often overflowing the large canal there.
As a result, Government announced its intention to relocate residents of Murphy’s Pasture, a process which has already started in nearby Farmer’s Land.
However, those who spoke to the Sunday Sun said they were happy where they were.
“The water don’t really get into the houses now; the ones who say so need to raise their houses up. I have spent a lot of money on my house so I won’t be going anywhere,” said Ryan Bailey, who has one of the more elaborate houses in the neighbourhood.
The home-owner had a few suggestions on how to keep the water levels down. He called on the authorities to operate the water pump more often and not to leave the waste removed from the canal. (CA)